Dream Big Triathlon Coaching
Bloomington's Premier Coaching Service
Dream it, Plan it, Achieve it
Contact Coach Brant Today!

"My wife and I often joke about my tendency to cycle through “phases” when it comes to my hobbies. And I don’t enter these phases lightly. If you took a tour of the inside of our garage, you might get a better picture. You’d see the home-brewing and cheese-making equipment. You’d see musical instruments and other sound gear. You’d certainly see golf clubs and accessories. And yes, at this very moment, you’d also see 13 week-old chicks roaming around the “brooding corner”. The latter example may also show my impulsive side. When I do something, I’m all-in. And I’ve probably not thought it all the way through.
This is a pretty accurate description of my first triathlon. I was scouring the Internet for a local 5k – something that would motivate me to keep running a bit (the latest hobby that had run its course). While searching, I discovered a local sprint triathlon. When I read the distances for each discipline I said aloud, “I could probably live through that!” And I did. I lived through it twice that summer. A few triathlon books were soon ordered, and I had a new hobby.
Triathlon is a little more difficult to go “all-in” than other hobbies. I loved reading and researching. The training was tough. I could feel my next great hobby calling me. Maybe something easier – that involved food? Somewhere in my research, I ordered the book “The Perfect Distance” The author claimed this “perfect distance” was the 70.3 triathlon. It sounded amazing. It sounded ambitious. If I was honest with myself – it was perhaps the most unrealistic goal I’d had in a while. It was too big of a dream. A 70.3 finish would necessitate more than a “triathlon phase”. It would take consistent training. It would take motivation. It would take accountability.
As it turns out, it took an experienced and gifted coach like Brant Bahler for me to accomplish my unrealistic triathlon goal. I completed the Grafman Middle Distance Triathlon on May 21, 2017 in Cambridgeshire, UK. There is absolutely no way I could have accomplished this without Brant. Though I spent the final month of training “across the pond”, Brant provided the daily communication and coaching that I needed to accomplish this goal. And while I can laugh at myself, and my tendency to move through new hobbies now and then, I also know something else about myself: I accomplished something that necessitated a sustained, long-term commitment. And that’s something about which I have reason to be proud. Thanks, Brant!
Now, what am I going to do with these 13 chickens?